Looking around my space, I find "my" collection of winter whites and learn to love them all over again... thanks to Jill for the inspiration.
My dining room table display with a bleached deer antler. When the snow melts enough to see the ground, we'll often find one or two of these lying about the yard.

Arturo paper by Cartiere magnani = Squisito! Made in Italy, nothing finer.

My MIL's Bible, small, sweet, ivory, leather-bound, Eastern Star imprinted = heirloom.

A chippy, wood-carved kitty with a cheshire grin. His tails opens up to become a bird feeder = too weird to pass up.

SoCal seashell collection... reminds me of beach days gone by and beach days ahead.

Very special vintage lace collection... no two whites the same.

Vintage swan lamp I bought at auction for $1.00 with a very cool porcelain finial = mine, all mine. Still not sure about the shade I chose though...

A sweet little bone-carved box I bought in Sirmione last September... for trinkets and dreams.

The birch trees in front of our house. I love these trees... they are always winter white.

Miss PeachyDeva.. she stays winter white all year long too.

I covet this cat.