My treasure trove of vintage jewelry was a Christmas gift from my son-in-law who refurbishes foreclosed and abandoned properties in Denver, CO. This stuffed jewelry box along with some beautiful vintage linens and aprons were in a box he had tossed in the dumpster during his cleanup. Out of nowhere, a vintage angel (or deva) tapped him on the shoulder and reminded him of his MIL's love of all things vintage. {thank you deva} He retrieved the box and gave it to me... one of the best presents ever! In my box of vintage treasures: a copper bracelet and earring set, signed Renoir; a jet bead and rhinestone necklace and earring set, signed Vendome; a great hippy coin necklace; a silver filigree bracelet; a pair of poodle scatter pins; a 14K gold Abon glove clip; a silver cuff bracelet (I wear this all the time now); and the best for last, a one-inch wide rhinestone bracelet, signed Weiss.

Sympathetic collectors can surely understand why I haven't posted anything lately... I've been researching all this jewelry and trying to figure out what I've got here. It's been so fun, but time consuming! Alas, some of these pieces are destined for ebay and etsy soon (sometime soon) and a few I'll keep and wear... often thinking about the woman who bought or was gifted this jewelry. Did she buy that rhinestone bracelet for a special occasion or was it a gift from her husband or lover? And what about that hippy necklace and the hand-painted souvenir bracelet from somewhere? Vintage jewelry has so many stories to tell....
wow! a beautiful collection...and what a superb gift! i always think it the best compliment when someone 'dumpster dives' or 'picks something up' because they remember you and your love of vintage or whathaveyou. a super gift indeed!
ReplyDeletelet me know when you have them listed!
Holy Moley! Leah sent me to drool over this stash...ah-mazing gift. So good that your SIL listend to the deva angel. My son works deconstruction and finds some great trinkets for me once in a while, but nothing like this. Congratulations! enjoy the stories!