My Find of the Month! "My limoges! my limoges!" From Out of Africa, my favorite movie... when Denys Finch Hatton loads his ivory (technically Barkley's ivory) onto the train carrying Karen, soon to be Baroness von Blixen, she shrieks as his men begin loading the ivory onto the train atop the very wooden crates that carry her precious limoges china. That's what went through my mind when I came across these darling plates at my favorite thrift store. Stacked atop one another and secured with blue duck tape, I recognized them right away. They are, each one perfectly charming in their delicate pink flower pattern with blue curlicues trailing from sprays of flowers, Haviland limoges, the Princess pattern, made in France in the early 20th century. I am giddy with the thrill of this find... in total, there are six luncheon plates, seven dinner plates, and one bread plate... all for $3.00. Yes, you read it, three bucks total! Oh, how I love thrift stores!